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Participating Schools


3rd Senior High Schools of Polichni/Thessaloniki-GREECE

Lycée Beaussier-FRANCE

IISS Carlo Maria Carafa-ITALY

Expected results


Throughout the project we plan to achieve the following results:
- Identify the common culture of all partners through their artistic expressions.
- Appreciate the added value of the various vehicular languages ​​to be used in the project.
-Deepen and improve the use of the above languages ​​and lead them to achieve the European objectives of multilingualism.
- Educate the students that humanistic studies represent a range of opportunities for your future career.
- Improving the use of ICTs to expand its use beyond recreational or entertainment applications, such as search and selection of information, critical analysis of the sources, rational use of social networks and acquiring sufficient knowledge to meet the risks associated with misuse of new technologies.
- Promote European awareness families to be involved  in the development of activities, assigning a leading role.



• Increase and improve the process of learning and training
• Encourage the development of language skills
• Encourage the development of cultural and artistic competition
• Improve ICT skills
• Improve social skills
• Strengthening links education / training and the world of work
• Develop entrepreneurship.
• Improve collaboration between schools in the Mediterranean area within the EU training framework.

Students and lessons


The age of the participated students is between 15 and 17 years old and the lessons involved are: History, Geography, Literature, Language, History of the cultures, Design, Technology, Arts, Philosophy, Informatics.

Working process
- Project coordinators regularly communicate the activities undertaken by the partners through the means indicated in this project.
- All products will be uploaded to the TwinSpace platform.
-Students Will use this tool to have immediate contact with partners from other countries.
- The eTwinning platform will be the main tool to develop the Erasmus + program which is coordinating the IES Andrés de Vandelvira of Albacete.
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